Counseling with our Counsels (family counsels)
Elder Ballard teaches a lot of great information on holding counsels. Holding counsels with our families can make a huge difference in the love and unity felt between family members. Some notes from the powerpoint we read this week in class give some main points on holding a successful counsel. This excerpt is from the section on learning from the brethren: Meet weekly, same day each week is a great idea. Everyone receives an agenda for the discussion the night before to prayerfully review. The brethren meet in the temple. We strive to make our home as peaceful as the temple. We could make sure we select a place to use each time that has a picture of Christ or the temple in it. Before discussing agenda items, dedicate time to expressing love, concern, and appreciation for one another. Start the meeting in prayer, seeking inspiration. When discussing matters, seek consensus regarding the Lord's will. End with prayer, dedicating your efforts to Him. Enjoy refreshme