Chapter 14 Modern Fertility Patterns and God’s commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth

This post covers Chapter 14 Modern Fertility Patterns and God’s commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth by E Heffrey Hill, Sarah June Carroll, Kaylene J Fellows.

Total Fertility rate (TFR): average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime.

This will dip below replacement levels around 2045.

Countries with highest fertility rates are poorest and least educated countries with the highest mortality rates and infant deaths with least access to health care.

Reasons fertility rates are decreasing

1. Decreasing economic value of children
2. Fear of overpopulation
3. Governmental pressure
4. More are choosing to remain childless
5. Widespread contraceptive use and 40 million abortion  per year

Potential consequences of low fertility rate

1. Depopulation
2. Aging: average age of population is increasing at an unprecedented rate.  It is pervasive and enduring, meaning it covers all populations and will not return to young populations in the future.

Potential worldwide consequences of depopulation and aging

1. Economic consequences: decreases potential support ratio (number in work force to number out of work)
2. Societal political consequences: Large sex ratio imbalance equals wealthier, more educated and higher status men tend to get married, while lower educated, less status and poorer men tend to remain single. Singles tend to be more involved in crime.

Potential individual and familial consequences

1. Consequences for couples: more likely to separate and divorce causes limits to changing nature to become like Father.
2. Consequences for children: single children grow up without siblings and cousins which is a less optimal environment for development; and they end up with overprotective parents from fear of child being hurt.
3. Consequences for individuals: affects development of 35-65 year olds (check hapter), generativity making contribution to next generation, and becoming self indulgent.

Blessings of multiplying and replenishing the earth

1. More stability for society
2. Parents are more invested in communities
3. Facilitates generativity
4. Potential for greatest joy although challenging

Parenthood is preparation for exaltation. Exaltation is a state of perfection in which we act like God and raise spirit children as he does.

Heavenly Father ordained the family as a training ground for godhood.


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