
Showing posts from July 14, 2020

Chapter 14 Modern Fertility Patterns and God’s commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth

This post covers Chapter 14 Modern Fertility Patterns and God’s commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth by E Heffrey Hill, Sarah June Carroll, Kaylene J Fellows. Total Fertility rate (TFR): average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime. This will dip below replacement levels around 2045. Countries with highest fertility rates are poorest and least educated countries with the highest mortality rates and infant deaths with least access to health care. Reasons fertility rates are decreasing 1. Decreasing economic value of children 2. Fear of overpopulation 3. Governmental pressure 4. More are choosing to remain childless 5. Widespread contraceptive use and 40 million abortion  per year Potential consequences of low fertility rate 1. Depopulation 2. Aging: average age of population is increasing at an unprecedented rate.  It is pervasive and enduring, meaning it covers all populations and will not return to young populations in the future. Po

Really inspiring you tube video and article

There were two talks included in our study for this week, and I loved them.  They really taught me a lot and I wish I had seen these before becoming a parent.   First is the talk found on youtube by W. Cleon Skousen. It discusses some beautiful examples of how the Lord answers and guides us.  I really loved how it reminded me of the  times where I knew from the Lord that things would work out, even though I had no idea how, I just knew it would be alright. Don't worry!  It's less than ten minutes and you will love it, too: The second one is actually an article you can find on from August 2007: Crossing Thresholds and Becoming Equal Partners by Elder Bruce C. Hafen  Of the Seventy  and Marie K. Hafen

Chapter 5: Marital Sexuality and Fertility (James M Harper and Leslie Feinauer)

Chapter 5: Marital sexuality and fertility James M Harper and Leslie Feinauer This chapter starts out with an example of a conversation between a teen and her mom. 13-year-old:   " Mom, is sex better than candy?" Mom: "Oh yes, dear, with your husband in an eternal marriage, sex is far better than candy." She establishes the parameters of a healthy and enjoyable sexual relationship with that answer, of being best in an eternal union between husband and wife. Marital sexuality serves a purpose: Becoming one           * Symbolizes the tie between God and his creations           * S ex is considered the most holy of human endeavors in Judaism           *  Elder Holland said that sexual union is a welding physical blending, symbol of total union   2.  Connection with God      * Sexual union between husband and wife is considered a sacrament   3.  Strengthening bonds            *  Emotional and spiritual bonds are both streng

Chapter 4: Equal partnership between men and women in families

Chapter 4 Equal Partnership Between Men and Women in Families Valerie M. Hudson and Richard B Miller  This chapter teaches us that gender differences do not mean there is hierarchy between men and women. Many people use the bible to try to defend a hierarchy instead of equal partnership. When you look at the translation it shows that is not the intent of the scripture. Gen 3:16 says Adam is to ‘rule over’ Eve. However, ‘over’ in rule over uses the Hebrew ‘bet’ which means with.   The scripture really means that Adam is to rule with Eve. Satan has twisted the patriarchal order into a believed male dominance. I like this quote from President Hunter in Teachings from the presidents of the church, 1994, p 51: “For a man to operate independent of or without regards to the feelings and counsel of his wife in governing the family is to exercise unrighteous dominion.” Consequences of an equal partnership in marriage    Better individual well-being of partners.