Chapter 4: Equal partnership between men and women in families

Chapter 4 Equal Partnership Between Men and Women in Families Valerie M. Hudson and Richard B Miller 

This chapter teaches us that gender differences do not mean there is hierarchy between men and women.

Many people use the bible to try to defend a hierarchy instead of equal partnership. When you look at the translation it shows that is not the intent of the scripture.

Gen 3:16 says Adam is to ‘rule over’ Eve. However, ‘over’ in rule over uses the Hebrew ‘bet’ which means with.  The scripture really means that Adam is to rule with Eve.

Satan has twisted the patriarchal order into a believed male dominance.

I like this quote from President Hunter in Teachings from the presidents of the church, 1994, p 51:

“For a man to operate independent of or without regards to the feelings and counsel of his wife in governing the family is to exercise unrighteous dominion.”

Consequences of an equal partnership in marriage
  •   Better individual well-being of partners.
  •   Better functioning children.
  •   Better overall marital quality and satisfaction.
  •   Results in more positive interactions over negative interactions.

Consequences of an unequal partnership
  • More stressful marriage.
  • Less effective parenting.
  • Kid’s have higher risk for depression, anxiety, drug abuse, and delinquency.

Bruce C. Hafen’s talk, “Crossing Thresholds and Becoming Equal Partners” has a wealth of great information. His talk discusses how husbands and wives are to be interdependent with each other instead of one dependent on the other.

He also discusses Gen 3:16. He says that in this scripture a ruler can be considered a measuring tool.  The ruler must live and practice what he preaches because in essence, he is must be an example and make sacrifices.  

This is similar to how Christ is our example and made sacrifices for us.

Hafen also states that equal partnerships are made on earth.  There are two quotes he shares in the talk that I really liked:

President Kimble said,"We don’t want our LDS women to be silent partners or limited partners, but rather a contributing and full partner."

Neal A. Maxwell said,"For too long men have been the theologeans while the women have been the Christians. To be equal partners each should be both a theologian and a Christian."

Then we read an example of what Maxwell means.  When he had cancer he had resigned himself to accept it and die.  His wife inspired him to accept it but fight.  It is a beautiful example of how to be both a theologian and a Christian.

Here is a link to the talk from August 2007:


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