Chapter 32 The Eternal Family: A Plain and Precious Part of the the Plan of Salvation

Chapter 32 The Eternal Family: A Plain and Precious Part of the Plan of Salvation by Daniel K Judd.

Plan of redemption contains whole gospel and is founded on:

Creation of earth and all mankind
Fall of adam and eve, and their posterity
Atonement of jesus Christ

Each experiences periods of creation: start of marriage, start of new school year, birth of a child, new calling, etc….

One of my favorite parts of the Proclamation:

Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and as such, each has a divine nature and destiny.

Cool things I learned this week or quotes I liked:

“spirit beings are in adult form. They were adults before their mortal experience, and they are in adult form after death, even if they die as infants or children.” (Teachings of presidents of the church, Joseph F. Smith, p 131-132)

God did not create the pattern of family; it is an eternal pattern!

Great cornerstone of valiance in cause of righteousness is obedience to the whole law of the whole gospel. This includes believing and knowing (with unshakeable conviction) and doing of the word. 

“The devil has no power over us only as we permit him; the moment we revolt at anything which comes of God, the devil takes power.” (David A. Bednar, Things As They Really Are)

“Our spirit and body are combined in a way that our body becomes an instrument of our mind and the foundation of our character.” (Boyd K. Packer)

From Julie B Beck: Qualifying for the blessings of eternal life = qualifying for the blessings of an eternal family.  Antichrist is antifamily and antifamily is antichrist.


Eternal Blessings of Marriage by Richard G Scott.  15.02 min

I loved this talk.  In it he talks about how one day he was home from work and was going to fix the washing machine for his wife with the little time he left in the day.  She was insistent on him going and playing with the children instead.  Even though he wanted to serve his wife, he followed her council.  In future days he tells how his son is laying on his bed next to him and says,” Dad, I love you.  You’re my best friend.”
Watch it to hear him tell a beautiful story in his own words.  You will feel the spirit.


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